House Painting Contractors in Alpharetta GA
Summer is not officially here according to the equinox, but we’ve past Memorial Day and that means summer in Georgia. This summer, GreenWave Solutions is going to offer exclusive Alpharetta house painting specials!
Alpharetta, one of Atlanta’s most affluent suburbs, has wide open spaces blanketed with subdivisions full of beautiful homes. Many of these houses are between 10-20 years old and need the attention of GreenWave Solutions Alpharetta painters.
Exterior house painting is a simple and inexpensive way to preserve and maintain the beauty of your home. It starts with a thorough pressure washing to remove dirt, debris and other surface contaminants. After pressure washing, we will perform any carpentry and replace rotten wood or siding. Then we prepare everything for painting. This includes caulking gaps and joints, scraping peeling painting, priming bare areas, filling holes and patching imperfections.
Once the house is ready, it time to paint it. GreenWave Solutions applies exterior coating using professional paint sprayers, just as the manufacturers recommend. Spraying applies a thicker, smoother coating which translates to a longer lasting job for our clients. Don’t be fooled by the “we do all work by hand” line. It may sound good, but machines do better than humans when operated by a skilled professional.
Why do we use bulldozers to move dirt instead of using 300 guys with shovels?
At this point, we are almost done beautifying your home. We perform quality inspection walk through with our client and project manager. At this point, we fix any touch ups and tie up all loose ends.
Finally, we clean up and leave our job site how it was when we got there; except of course for the magnificent, freshly painted house.
This isn’t the only way to perform exterior painting in Alpharetta, but it is the way that GreenWave Solutions has a nearly perfect customer satisfaction record.
Call us today for your free residential painting estimate – 404-549-7776
Our 15% off discount applies to all residential projects costing $1500.00 or more and includes:
- Exterior painting in Alpharetta
- Interior painting in Alpharetta
- Deck staining in Alpharetta
- Concrete polishing in Alpharetta
- Cabinet painting and refinishing in Alpharetta
- Color Consulting in Alpharetta and color design services